5 ways to get rid of age spots

5 ways to get rid of age spots

Spots on the skin can indicate a variety of things, along with aging. Age spots are tiny, flat, dark patches on the areas of skin that are exposed to the sun. One can find these spots on the face, shoulder, hands, and arms. While it is not possible to stop aging, a few treatment options and lifestyle changes can reduce the appearance of such marks. Here is what one should know:

What causes age spots?
Age spots develop due to the overactivity of pigment cells. When the sun hits the skin, the ultraviolet rays accelerate the production of melanin, a natural pigment that provides the skin with its color. With years of sun exposure, these spots become apparent wherever the melanin is accumulated or produced in high amounts. If one has lighter skin or was exposed to the sunlight excessively, they might develop age spots faster than usual.

Ways to get rid of age spots
Age spots are natural, and they do not carry health risks. However, one can prevent them by taking the following measures:

Use sunscreen
As one cannot prevent sunlight from reaching the skin, using sunscreen is the best bet against age spots. The sunscreen prevents the age spots from developing and minimizes the appearance of existing spots. Experts recommend sunscreens that offer extended protection from the sun with SPF 30 or higher.

Use skin-lightening creams
One can apply various skin-lightening creams to get rid of age spots. However, it is important to check the ingredients of age spot removal creams; they should contain tranexamic acid, kojic acid, and niacinamide, among other ingredients that specifically target the problem. One may have to use such age spot creams regularly for the best results.

Avoid products with mercury
Research has shown that mercury can damage the liver and nerves. One must opt for skincare products that do not contain mercury.

Consult a dermatologist
Although one can find creams that claim to remove age spots at local stores, they should first consult a dermatologist. A specialist will examine the issue and prescribe suitable options based on the patient’s skin type.

Consider undergoing treatment procedures
If one wants to get rid of the age spots quickly, they can resort to treatment procedures. Some of these options help remove the layers of discolored skin, making way for natural skin. However, such procedures can be expensive and carry risks. Common treatment options include:

Laser treatment: Here, narrow light beams are used to destroy the cells causing the age spots on the skin without damaging the healthy cells. One might need more than one procedure to work.

Freezing (cryotherapy): Here, the doctor pours liquid nitrogen on the spots to freeze them. After the procedure, the skin heals, turning lighter automatically.

Dermabrasion: This procedure removes the surface layer of skin with a rapidly rotating brush, and new skin starts to grow in its place. However, one may have to undergo multiple dermabrasion sessions for the procedure to work.

Microdermabrasion: This procedure is significantly less aggressive than dermabrasion. One will get fairer skin with a soother appearance and little to no blemishes. This procedure calls for at least a month-long commitment for better results.

Chemical peel: This is one of the most popular age spot treatments. Here, a chemical solution is applied to the skin to remove the top layers, making way for new skin to grow in its place. This option does carry risks like scarring, infection, redness, and more, which should go away in a few days following the procedure.

A dermatologist can help one understand age spot reduction remedies, the possible side effects, and the recovery time, recommending the most option. Many of the procedures take place in the doctor’s office and do not require hospitalization. Following the treatment, one must use sunscreen recommended by the doctor and wear protective clothing.

Even though age spots are natural, one should take precautions to protect the skin. Rather than figuring out how to get rid of the age spots at home, one should consult a doctor to undergo a safe procedure.